Monday, April 30, 2012

Life, fibro and RA have gotten in my way, but the one thing I realized as I went for a run yesterday was how much I truly missed it! The freedom, the smells, the sights, the just being one with your body, no matter how hard the fight is...and it's hard. I say that because this morning nothing in my body works right :(  When I rolled, and mean literally, ROLLED out of bed, I thought someone had taken a bat to my knees and my right hip :(  It's a good thing that there isnt a reality TV show about my life, the short walk from the bedroom to the bathroom in the mornings would make most people spit out their coffee laughing :)

Damn run, damn down hills!

But I was so thankful to be able to go yesterday, I thought about it all morning, like it was  my secret that I was keeping...hoping that the day stayed bright and sunny, and that I wouldn't lose my nerve to the ever present 'performance anxiety' beast, and give up and not go.  Kinda hard to give up, when all around my is reminders to "Never, Never, Never Give Up' I knew we were having potato salad for supper AND lemontarts, soooo kinda had to go!  One thing about not running, or being active, you gain weight, in all kinds of places that arent fair, and that make wearing the same clothes a wee bit uncomfortable at times :)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

So, I'm 2 weeks into my needle, and haven't felt good really this whole time. I had really hoped that the new drug, Simponi, would be better than the Humira.  Granted I have to take it less often, so it must be doing something since I have gone from every 2 weeks to once a month.  Maybe, as Carla said ( my friendly needle giver) I feel like crap this month because I waited too long, was in other words, 4 days late from the date I was supposed to take it. Hmm...maybe, so much to learn about this new drug.  I guess it's working, but the side affects are not my favorite, either major or minor.  Major is scary, but the minor ones are just plain a pain in my ass, or mostly, my throat, my chest, and damn if I can't stop the dizziness. And no, the dizziness is NOT from the beer :) Although I did wondered about that the other evening :)

I think the other saving grace for me this last 3 months has been a change in my vitamins and mineral intake.  If you're at all like me, you have a cupboard full of vitamins, minerals, hair products, make up and lotions that you hoped, with all your fingers crossed, would help you. Would give you that magical feeling of being all better, or giving you that ever elusive boost of energy, calm your crazy, frizzy hair, moisturize your dry skin, and someone please make me feel better, and clearer in the head, lift that fog from my brain!  For me, USANA has done that, and more!  And it has worked not just for me, but I also put Diezel to the test.  He's my guinea pig, I used him as my *real* test because he's normal...well as normal as most :)  I knew that if I made him follow the same structure as me, then I would know if this stuff works, because he's not subject to the dramatic highs and lows that I am, so he would be a better test.  At first he did say he noticed 'something', and then it kinda just blended into a normal life.  But he went to California for 2 weeks, forgot his vitamins, and thinks he noticed a difference.  So 2 days after he got home, and had resumed taking his USANA Health Pak, he flat out told me, "They work, I wasn't sure before, but now that I've gone without, and started back again, I know the difference.  It doesn't make me 30 again", he says " But I certainly don't feel my age, it gives me a certain 'vitality', like I can do more."  Ah ha....that's exactly how I feel too! And on those bad days, I don't feel so empty, or foggy.  I mean I'm still tired, but I know that the USANA products are helping me to take care of myself now, and for the future.  As we all know, vitamins are like insurance, it's something that we all need, that we all pay for, and sometimes can't see the benefits from it.  Trust me, taking care of yourself from the inside out is the greatest thing you can do for yourself! Our health is something we can control, to a certain extent, by taking all the right precautions, and treating ourselves right.  Unfortunately we are killing ourselves with our knives and forks every maybe we should all think about taking a better product, something proven for potency, and production, and really thinking about what is going into our bodies....that's just my opinion :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Did I mention I love beer?

I should keep it light for the first bit, so you all dont think I'm a lunatic, or hard core, or anything....I do so love the beers and wines :)

Thanks for reading.....
Fit 4 me Now...I could almost put big pauses in between all those words.  It means so much, in so many different ways. I could say fit4life, fit4ever, fit4now, but really, this will probably always be about being "Fit 4 Me Now" As i've learned, and am reminded constantly, this has got to be FOR ME, for my health, and for my fight against RA...damn you RA, you've stolen so much from me through the years, but I am a formidable opponent, you just watch.