Sunday, January 5, 2014

It is not easy being limited by and having to live with and in pain. However, if you allow it to take away the joy in your life, then the intensity of the pain will increase tenfold

Lost my way

I realized after reading a friends blog, that it had been a long time since I had posted in mine, heck, I wondered if I even remembered my password to get in!  So after reading through all my posts, I hesitate as to where to start today.  So much has changed.

Firstly, Simponi, my biologic drug of choice, didn't work as well as I had hoped, and the side effects sucked. I guess only taking it once a month wasn't enough, and there wasn't much change of me doing a double dose. For one thing, that cost is astronomical, around $ 3700/month, and why create more side effects if I'm not happy, when there are so many more drugs to take :(

So now I am taking Cimzia, another 'new' biologic, with crazy side effects, and costly as well. Who knew that meds could cost $1000+ a month, and for god's sake, why! I get the whole research, blah, blah, blah....let's just say I am thankful for being in Canada, for having great insurance, and for now taking a reasonably 'new' medication, so new that the company still covers some of the cost for its patients.  It was scary a bit at first, I took 6 months worth of medication in the first 4 weeks. I had to double dose every 2 weeks, thought behind this was it would load my body up with the medication, leaving less chance of rejection. Apparently if the medication works, it works, if it doesn't work, you know it within the first 3 months or so....Oh goody, another test drive!

 It's been 10 months now, and it works as good as any of the other ones I've taken, no better. By around the 11th day, I know I need my needle, and by day 14, I'm standing on Laurie's doorstep waiting for her to make time to be able to give me my needle. Yah, yah, I can hear you all giving me flack. I know, I can't do it, I can NOT give myself a needle.   I  Just  Can't.  Anyway, besides the small side effect of wanting to scratch my eyes out, everything seems to be ok. I'll continue on this path for a bit, and see what the Dr. says at the end of the month.